Destination Travel - Khewra Salt Mines

My recent visit to the Punjab made me explore sites which i never came across ! the unseen beauty and views one such site was The Khewra mine of Pakistan.

According to wikipedia Khewra Salt Mines is a salt mine located in KhewraJhelum DistrictPunjab in Pakistan, about 160 kilometres (99 mi) from Islamabad and 260 kilometres (160 mi) from Lahore. It attracts up to 40,000 visitors per year and is the second largest salt mine in the world. Situated in the foothills of the Salt Range, the Khewra Salt Mines are the oldest in the South Asia.

Khewra Salt mines are the 2nd Largest Salt mines in the world.Some of the site seeings and images captured during my visits gave me the real joy and pleasure for life i was stunned to see the abstract art of nature, its un tampered beauty and harmonious pleasure. It was strange yet true that the whole travelling time through the mines were by foot but this didn't effected the breath at all. No matter how long you travel in the mines the Natural salt prevents from making you exhausted and breathless.

Khewra salt mines have there special medical wards where the Asthma patients are treated for their asthma.Patients from all over the world visit khewra mines for treatment and for tourism.

My experience has added great memories to my life and this will give me pleasure that we have such blessings of Allah with us.

Seating arrangements for Visitors

Outer view of Khewara mines


Tunnels dig out for passage entrance and exit

our guide showing us how rock salt glows with light! its really amazing

Rail tracks for the mini train and miners

Beautiful abstract with salt


Some beautiful structures build with rock salt bricks! Mini masjid for the workers

Interiors with salt and glowing lights within! much of a trend nowadays used in houses tooo

No entry i guess :)

Mini train  taking visitors inside for visits

Salt dried after dripping ! beautiful

Dried salt giving the view of snow!

Mini Minare-Pakistan(The salt version)

The salt water pond, very dangerous for the skin of the workers who work here as it is highly concentrated with salts and minerals. 

Beautifully scripted tunnels

Salt Stage for performance :)

looks like caves in the stone age

Glowing light on pure salt rock seems like human skin

A root of tree which is not burnt with any fire neither it dries off, strange that it has some part extended in this huge rocky mountains! where would it lead too no one knows.


  1. Excellent Insight - and A Tremendous addition to the info. Great work.

    Junaid khalid Shaikh

  2. Thanks Junaid! Its just a glimpse there is lot more to tell!

  3. GREAT! finally something positive about our country to write and share with :) good work asmaaa!!!!!! :)

    love, shaz

  4. Thanks Shazzz!! appreciate it

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